Big Brute Suck & Dump improves grain cleaning at South Australian stockfeed mill
Having already had a Big Brute Popular Industrial Vacuum Cleaner onsite cleaning grain and fine dust for the past 17 years (the same one is still be used today!), we recently supplied a Big Brute Cone Base Suck & Dump Industrial Vacuum Cleaner to Alltech Lienert's Roseworthy mill.
The Big Brute Suck & Dump model has inbuilt forklift tyne slots with a complete emptying cone base bottom. This allows all spilt grain and fine dust to be emptied directly into hoppers, bulka bags or skip bins with a forklift.
Alltech Lienert are going to install vacuum ducting pipework around their South Australian plant which will allow them to clean and vacuum raised platforms and several storied areas.
By leaving their Big Brute Industrial Vacuum Cleaner on the bottom floor, they can run a 15 - 30m length of suction hose on each level with all grain and material being collected and emptied by a forklift on the bottom floor.

Big Brute Industrial Vacuum Cleaners have been a part of the Australian grain and stockfeed industry for the past 20 years. These are now being utilised to provide a cleaner and safer work environment in a majority of larger grain storage sites and stockfeed manufacturers right around Australia and New Zealand.
With it's legendary suction power (capable of sucking dry wheat out of 24m deep pits from the top), the Big Brute Industrial Vacuum Cleaner is ideal for cleaning grain receival boot pits and other grain handling areas.
To watch how a Big Brute can clean your grain storage site or stockfeed manufacturing mill please click here.